- Love the collage style technique and how this artist incorporates a variety of medium.
- She specializes in digital collage work as well as painting and video.
- I love the use of photographs, it adds a personal touch
- I also find the colour palette soothing and nostalgic, I often use this similar palette in my works.
- Textile type patterns

Indy Severe (videographer)
- I've followed Indy Severe for a couple years and have always loved her editing style.
-Her videos give off (again) a nostalgic feeling and positivity.
- He film techniques as well as editing style have always drawn me to her work.
- She is self taught and her work is raw and real.

David Hockney "A Bigger Splash" 1967
- I've always loved David Hockney's Work especially his use of colour and more "pop art" style.
- Also his Photo collages which create a fragmented reality
Colour Palette
Homework for October 23rd: Ideas for Final Project
- I know that I for sure want to use multiple types of media to create my final work.
-I really like the idea of created a video or even maybe a gif using a collage stop motion type style.
- I could use different mediums like painting paired with photography in moving collage.
- Choppy, almost cut and paste like style
- I think creating a gif like this would be interesting
- If i were to alternatively do a video I would use the addition of sound to add another depth to piece.
- With video though I would need a more clear underlying concept or message.
- I could use audio from friends and family, connect t a personal experience of some sort.

- I have another idea with a similar execution as I mentioned above.
- I would incorporate old family photographs and video as well
- I could also combine these two ideas.
- I think I will begin by looking through old family photographs to gather inspiration.